The Ronald McDonald House Emma, designed by Heyligers Architects, has recently opened its doors next to UMC Amsterdam. The Emma House is a second home for families of sick children, enabling them to stay close to their sick child. The building’s entire floor area (550m2) features our recycled terrazzo concept, made from repurposed medical waste from AMC and reclaimed demolition materials.
The new section consists of two wooden components that present themselves on one side in the form of an archetypal house overlooking the botanical garden. The wood from the facade continues into the interior, creating a warm and homely character. The design provides spaces for both gathering and solitude.
With a focus on ecology and biodiversity in the immediate surroundings of House Emma, measures were taken to accommodate native animal species such as bats, swifts, and house sparrows. Existing trees, shrubs, and other small greenery have been relocated in the new terrain design.