Project Description

De Van Nelle Fabriek is een prachtig onderdeel van Unesco Wereld Erfgoed, en dit historische gebouw heeft een nieuw, duurzaam verhaal te vertellen. We designed the floor to resemble all the staple colours of the Factory, connecting yellow, white and silver. These characteristic color have come back alive in the new floors of the Expeditiebuilding. This particular building is connected through an exterior, floating hallway. The building, named the Expeditiegebouw now functions as offices for exciting companies like ours, and our sustainable floor forms the heart of the space.

Architect: DOEN
Year: 2022
Concept: Custom
Density: Medium
Plastic: Custom Mix met 2% Sun (Yellow)
Basekleur: Sikkens ON.00.78
Cliënt: Business
Photography: The Good Floor